
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.






An intelligent freight delivery scheduling system built with the SOTA MARL algorithms and an optimization solver.



A Poker AI for Bridge based on self-playing with SOTA MARL algorithms and heuristic search.



A novel Unsupervised Option Discovery algorithm based on Determinant Point Process.

Hierarchical AIRL


A novel Hierarchical Imitation Learning algorithm based on AIRL.

Multi-task Hierarchical AIRL


A SOTA Multi-task Hierarchical Imitation Learning algorithm with broad applications, such as robotics.

Hierarchical Deep CFR


A skill-based Poker AI && A hierarchical strategy learner for Imperfect Information Games.



Multi-agent Deep Covering Option Discovery


This is a presentation of my accepted paper – Multi-agent Deep Covering Option Discovery, on the ICML Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop, which is a great opportunity for meeting outstanding researchers from the same comunity. The conference is held online due to the COVID-19.

Scalable Multi-agent Option Discovery based on Kronecker Graphs


This is a presentation of my accepted paper – Scalable Multi-agent Option Discovery based on Kronecker Graphs, on NeurIPS, which is one of the best conferences on machine learning and artifical intelligence. This is also my first in-person conference. It’s a great honor and pleasure for me to meet with great ML/AI researchers from all over the world.


Research experience at Peking University

Research, School of EECS, Peking University, 2018

I have worked as a research assistant on autonomous driving techniques (e.g., semantic perception, interactive behavior learning) from 2018/09 to 2020/07, under the supervision of Prof. Huijing Zhao, and completed my Bachelor thesis there.

Research experience at Purdue University

Research, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2020

I have worked with Prof. Vaneet Aggarwal and Prof. Tian Lan as a Ph.D. student/candidate from 2022/07 till now. My research focuses on Reinforcement Learning algorithm design and applications.

Teaching experience at Purdue University

Undergraduate/Graduate course, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2021

I have been the teaching assistant for IE 23000 - Probability And Statistics In Engineering for five straight semesters from 2021 Fall to 2023 Fall. I also worked as the teaching assistant for IE 53800 - Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms And Models in 2023 Spring.