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An intelligent freight delivery scheduling system built with the SOTA MARL algorithms and an optimization solver.



A Poker AI for Bridge based on self-playing with SOTA MARL algorithms and heuristic search.



A novel Unsupervised Option Discovery algorithm based on Determinant Point Process.

Hierarchical AIRL


A novel Hierarchical Imitation Learning algorithm based on AIRL.

Multi-task Hierarchical AIRL


A SOTA Multi-task Hierarchical Imitation Learning algorithm with broad applications, such as robotics.

Hierarchical Deep CFR


A skill-based Poker AI && A hierarchical strategy learner for Imperfect Information Games.



Multi-agent Deep Covering Option Discovery


This is a presentation of my accepted paper – Multi-agent Deep Covering Option Discovery, on the ICML Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop, which is a great opportunity for meeting outstanding researchers from the same comunity. The conference is held online due to the COVID-19.

Scalable Multi-agent Option Discovery based on Kronecker Graphs


This is a presentation of my accepted paper – Scalable Multi-agent Option Discovery based on Kronecker Graphs, on NeurIPS, which is one of the best conferences on machine learning and artifical intelligence. This is also my first in-person conference. It’s a great honor and pleasure for me to meet with great ML/AI researchers from all over the world.


Research experience at Peking University

Research, School of EECS, Peking University, 2018

I have worked as a research assistant on autonomous driving techniques (e.g., semantic perception, interactive behavior learning) from 2018/09 to 2020/07, under the supervision of Prof. Huijing Zhao, and completed my Bachelor thesis there.

Research experience at Purdue University

Research, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2020

I have worked with Prof. Vaneet Aggarwal and Prof. Tian Lan as a Ph.D. student/candidate from 2022/07 till now. My research focuses on Reinforcement Learning algorithm design and applications.

Teaching experience at Purdue University

Undergraduate/Graduate course, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 2021

I have been the teaching assistant for IE 23000 - Probability And Statistics In Engineering for five straight semesters from 2021 Fall to 2023 Fall. I also worked as the teaching assistant for IE 53800 - Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms And Models in 2023 Spring.